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ابحث عن

مؤسس الدار : أحمد راتب عرموش
تأسست سنـــة 1390هـ - 1970م

مساحة إعلانية

تمت اضافة خاطرة جديدة ضمن اخترنا لك بعنوان:الناس معادن............................ تم رفع كتاب النشاط السري اليهودي للأستاذ غازي فريج ضمن الكتب المجانية

قيادة الرسول السياسية والعسكرية انكليزي

$ 10.00

:رقم الطبعة
:عدد الصفحات
:نوع التجليد
ISBN 978-9953-18-187-5
رقم الكتاب 320

قيادة الرسول السياسية والعسكرية انكليزي

احمد راتب عرموش
تاريخ النشر: 01-01-1997

The purpose of studying the leadership of Muhammad (peace be upon him), is not to show him in the image of a leader of a revolution, an initiator of a philosophical doctrine or social reformer as some contemporary writers have done. Muhammad is god's chosen messenger to convey Islam to all people. The creator of the world willed that this orphaned man coming from a "barren valley" become the greatest of all the great of the world, and that his followers be able to change the map of the whole world. Abbas Mahmud al Aqqad rightly observes, "The whole history of mankind after Muhammad is related and connected with him and dependent on what he did. Not a single event that has happened after Muhammad would have taken place as it did had it not been for the coming of Muhammad".