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التاريخ الاسلامي الوجيز

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ابحث عن

مؤسس الدار : أحمد راتب عرموش
تأسست سنـــة 1390هـ - 1970م

مساحة إعلانية

تمت اضافة خاطرة جديدة ضمن اخترنا لك بعنوان:الخيار الخاطىء........................... تم رفع كتاب النشاط السري اليهودي للأستاذ غازي فريج ضمن الكتب المجانية

Contributions of Arab and Muslim Oculists to Ophthalmology

$ 10.00

:رقم الطبعة
:عدد الصفحات
:نوع التجليد
ISBN 978-9953-18-551-4

Contributions of Arab and Muslim Oculists to Ophthalmology

د.ظافر الوفائي
تاريخ النشر: 08-01-2016

My first exposure to the ancient ophthalmic books was in 1969, when I first arrived in the USA as an intern, with an overwhelming desire to become an ophthalmologist.one night , during a dinner invitation at Dr. Stocker (an ophthalmologist),we engaged in a friendly conversation, despite my poor command of the English language. At the end of the evening, and while saying goodbye to me, he handed an old book entitled Memorandum book of a tenth century oculist: Ali Lbn Isa and said to me:" remember you come from a very famous and honorable background." I still have the book in my library.

In 1980, I was invited to give a talk in Kuwait about Al-Zahrawi and his influence on eye surgery, during the meeting I met some of the most famous medical historians in the world. That was when I was hooked, and this topic became my eternal passion and the center of my mental focus.

Contributions of Arab and Muslim Oculists to Ophthalmology is the harvest of thirty-five years of collecting, editing, writing and lecturing around the world, in order to educate the audiences about our honorable and glorious past, and to tell the world that " A tree without roots can never produce fruits".